Bill Donaldson
Hello Mom's. I am 56 and was diagnosed at age 53. I understand all your frustations about your son's decision. Been there done that. My private life was a mess 5 marriages and very lonesome. I can only suggest you find a support site dealing with Klinefelter Syndrome. There are some excellent site online and there is lots of hope for your son and for you the parents. I reside in Southern California. I can tell you I have made a complete 100% change from when I was diagnosed. It's important to except the Anomaly as person and the parent. I say embrass it, understand it and move on with your life as a male or anyone that has a medical disordor. Your son's desision's will improve with understanding what it is they are dealing with. I had to make a lot of bad decisions, but I keep looking for an answer. Thank God I found it before I died. Bill Donaldson 47xxy