Yes I maybe have. I have been diagnosed as having mycoplasma pneumonie which went into pneumonia and has caused a dry cough, chest infection high fever and terrible weakness afterward. I think you need to have a pcr which is a genetic test for the mycoplasma bug. They think that this is the cuase of the Gulf War Syndrome and if you tap that in using Yahoo you will find a lot on it. Tetracycline over a long term or Eyrthomycin are the maiin drugs for this. It can cause suseptibility to other things as this is nether a virus or a bacteria but a micro organism which up to the last two years has not been possible to easily trace in the blood and blood test have not been a realibel wa of finding it. It is an ameoba type thing without cell wals that remains in the mucous membrane linings of the body. It is however costly to have this test done but I think you should insist on your doctor doing it and if not find one that will get it done for you. Take it on your card and pay it off gradually - life is for living not being ill and tired as I was before I had this diagnosed. Good luck and god bless. Jill