Wow...I applaud your boyfriend for his honesty...he may be a true find, maybe one worth keeping! My best recommendation to you is to realize that it is sex without the protection of marriage that causes such STD's. As you probably have read, HPV is the fastest growing STD, and it is affecting our teen population more and more as well. This is so scary because it is forever, and because it could lead to cervical cancer for women! I would recommend to you not to continue to spread this disease by having sexual relations outside of marriage. If this man is so wonderful, you may choose to wait for that part of your relationship. That is a good thing, because it will give you both the chance to really see each other for who you are without the cloudy vision that sex can bring into any relationship. If you decide it is love, and you want to spend your life with this person...then atleast if you were to contract the HPV, you would be in a monogomous relationship...hopefully not at risk to spread disease to more people. I don't know what else to tell cannot be guaranteed that a condom will protect you from it as very often the sores spread to areas that condoms don't cover. Best wishes, and be careful!