I hope your injections helped! By now you should feel some difference, if you are going to, I hope your doctor who injected the BoTox used an EMG machine to pinpoint the correct areas. This is the only real way of getting good results. That is if you are fortunate enough to get them. I am one of the unfortunate people who do not respond to BoTox. I am now in the phase of looking into more invasive surgeries to try to get rid of some of this horrific pain! I have been living on pain pills and Klonopin for MUCH too long. Was actually diagnosed a little over a year ago. I went through 4 series of injections. If you ever feel the need to talk or rant or whatever, just email me. It is good to talk with someone who understands your plight. Others just do NOT get it and can't fathom the pain and frustration we go through each and every day. My ST has progressed to the point that my head is almost resting on my left shouder ant turned left while tilting up. It is fixed in that position almost constantly and it will sometimes start jerking, usually at the most unopportune time, and I get the stares from people. I usually take this opportunity to explain my condition to those people. i figure the more people who know about it the better, as it is a rare condition. Well...I hope this finds you feeling better! Take care and God Bless, Christine