I think I read your email once before & answered it but maybe not. I DO have Chr. Fatigue and have researched it on the web, & have several books on it. I take several Health letters..Mayos, John Hopkins, DOCTORS'GUIDE, and more and they have several ailments listed with a paragraph beneath the listing with a blue link to get TO the information. I find them a God send. My young son was dx-ed w/Prostate cancer 2 mos ago & I spent about l4-l6 hrs a day researching it. You can too as there is LOT of info out there. I also take Dr. Everett Koop's health letter and his, along with all the others, have a place for questions plus a LONG list of ailments..some as many as about 300, which you only have to click on to get all the info you can USE!What you describe is pretty much LIKE CFS but am wondering if you have seen a doctor,,,?? Good luck Lorane