I am 45 and have been diagnosed with Raynaud's since 1990. The hospital I go to considers me an unusal case in that my "attacks" never stop. My hands are always swollen badly and red or blue all the time. Severe stress reactions include my feet. My condition is steadily worsening, and the pain in my joints, muscles and skin is no longer managable with Remeron. I can't get anything else. Has anyone heard of others suffering from the same degree of severity as me? I see my rheumatologist Aug 4 and would like to have some suggestions for her since she seems to be losing interest in helping me because they cannot fully diagnose me. It is a charity hospital and I'm afraid that impinges on the care received. I have a positve RH factor and am HCV positive though not being treated. The hospital says I'm not sick enough with yet to treat.