I am 33 and have had eczema for 12 years, and I have also had asthma since childhood. I try not to use steroid creams and take evening primrose oil on prescription. I am also on a low sugar diet and particularly avoid things like chocolate and alcohol. I have tried all sorts of alternative remedies but I can only get the eczema down to a certain level. It is worst at night and I sleep badly. What non-sufferers do not realise is that eczma changes your life -it is in effect a form of disability - as you cant do what you always want to and you have to avoid many activities. I have come to the conclusion that it will never go away completely - I will just have better or worse periods. If this sounds really depressing it is not - I manage to live with it and otherwise things are good for me. But I often think what would my life be like without eczema......