I have had tinnitus for about a year now, one morning I woke up with this buzzing in my head, first thing I did was panic somehow I knew this is going to be permanent and I wanted to die. The first specialist I saw told me to buy a radio and put the dial in between stations where you hear the static also known as white noise. I wanted to die right there in the office. From that time on I seen many more doctors and have been to hospitals, and they all told me the same thing and learn to live with it. So for the first six months I prayed to God that I would die that's how bad my tinnitus is. The second six months I've gotten touch with the ATA that's the American Tinnitus association and joined up. I still had the Tinnitus it's just as loud as it ever was, sometimes it gets louder all real high-pitched hissing noise, all I can do is take one day the time and try to do my best to ignore it, and hope someday they'll be able to cure Tinnitus.