Tian Xian, in believe, is one of many many, chinese herbs one would and should find through a licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. I'm in a small Illinois city. We have an excellent one and I would guess you can find one or more in any major city. My practitioner just attended a TCM symposium in San Diego and a workshop on Cancer. She said there is a TCM practitioner in the San Fran bay area that works WITH several oncologists in a clinical setting. They find results much better when adding TCM to the typical western approach to cancer and IF I understood correctly, take patients if they are willing to add the TCM alternative to their therapies! He also said pancreatic cancer is a hard one. My mother, diagnosed 11/8, with no metastisis YET, is doing chemo hopefully to shrink the tumor enough for the whipple. She is sooo weak and loosing weight with no appetite from the chemo we don't think she's strong enough for the surgery, NOW. She is starting on a chinese herbal formula to help her hold her "jing" and build strength. Herbs can be beneficial. BUT they should always be recommended by highly educated herbalist because each of our constitutions is unique and even innocent little echinacea could imbalance a digestive tract like mine, setting into play a series of destructive events from phlem to possible pneumoia. I'm sure all would agree this is a nasty nasty disease, and so are the treatments. I'm glad to find this site and ask if anyone reading can guide me to a place where I can get DETAILS about the whipple surgery and the after affects....I WOULD GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks!