I was diagnosed with Psoriasis about 5 years ago. It came on when I turned 50 and was starting peri-menopause. Evidently it lay dormant in my body all those years. Had symptoms but they mimiced dandruff, pimples, etc. I was told that people inherit Psoriasis from their grandparents. In my case, it was my great-grandmother! A lady on the internet told me that we don't inherit a disease from our ancestors, we inherit their "immune systems" or lack thereof. The newsletter from the National Psoriasis Foundation gave me lots of helpful hints to help cope with it. Vitamin E is very helpful for the dry areas; my main problem is the moist areas. But, I just received a brand-new prescription which is helping with that. ... What you probably have on your eyelids is "Psoriatic Blepharitis." It's a type of eye infection caused by the Psoriasis. Several doctors told me that's what I have; but a fourth doctor thinks it is just a "dry-eye condition." If you visit a regular eye doctor, he/she can provide you with a prescription for "Blepharide." The more you read up on Psoriasis the better off you will be. The Psoriasis never does go away, but in certain people it becomes dormant again. And, it is also aggravated by S T R E S S. Hope I have helped. Oh, by the way, Psoriasis is worse in the winter - when the skin is covered with clothes, and better in the summer - when the skin can get some sunlight.