Linda Alley
About 6 months ago,strange things started happening to me.Strong thirst, hunger,weight-loss,lots of bathroom time ,always tired,insomnia.My father died with Diabetes Militus (Type 2),so I went to my doctor about it.He checked my blood and urine for sugar. Negitive results.One month later,I had a complete physical done by his partner.She asked me all sorts of questions,most of which I answered "yes".Suddenly,the exam went from mundane to very serious.She ordered every test she could think of that the H.M.O. would pay for.This was 4 months ago.They have all come back negitive. On paper,I am healthy or I should be. I do have Severe Brain Injury.Most of the right frontal lobe is dead.This injury was "acquired" at the age of 11. I am now 35.My doctor is stumped,but not giving up.I'm tired of being sickly. Have read some about Diabetes Insipidus. It mimics the signs of Type 2,but it isn't Type 2.So far,I have only found articles about young children.Can adults get it? Does blood sugar have ANYTHING at all to do with D.I.? I do know that if I don't eat through out the day,my body strarts shutting down.Begining with my eyes straight through to unconscieceness.Very scarey.Any info. would be helpful.Talking to someone who has D.I.,as well as,someone with Type 2 would be even better.Thanks for any help.All leters will be answered in order of receivement. Linda