Yes I know some about generalized Dystonia my BF who is only 21 has had it for 8 years now and has been through all kinds of treatment for it some have been succesful and some not. When it first came on nobodyin our area knew what it was but a Doctor in Houston Texas did he is in the Methodist Hospital. The botox injections seemed to help at first to help the muscle loosen up. The new thing that is out is called a baclofen pump which gives you a liquid baclfon into your sytem 24/7 it seems to be the best. There are some more options but I do not have enough space to write everything here. If you would like to contact me are if you have any information on this disease could you please contact me. I am inclosing my addy. We are still exploring other options that might be better than what she has tried. My. Addy.