Ken, Sounds like you have had a lot of fun. Did you get a blood test done. I did, my titers where high for this. I wonder why I have it? Seems like my immune system is worn out and this virus just did the trick. How are you in the sun and florecent lighting? Are you still ill. How bad was your neurothapy. I get numb in the hands and arms off and on. It is the wierdest thing. Also in the face some times. I have had days I could not type. Do you experience any itchy when the virus acts up? I do have meds. that help some. It has been almost 3 years now. I have had 2 of the top immunoligist in my state check me out. I have chronic fifths. I caught this from a school where I work. I have not been able to work since. I have accepted this so now must really try to find thing I can do on the days I have strenght. The fatigue comes with the flares. So I must be very careful going under sunshine and florecent lights. They make me very ill. Well love to hear back, Cher