Daniel W.
Don't do it!! I was in Kuwait immediately after the "liberation" as a civilian working for the United Nations Compensation Committee. I have Gulf War Illness, thanks to anthrax poisoning and other chemicals which the government is still lying about with their constant denials. They are using GI's as human guinea pigs for drug experimentation and do not keep records of what is given to the servicemen back then and now. The ONLY country whose servicemen DO NOT have GWS is France because only the French soldiers were innoculated with Doxycycline. I STRONGLY URGE you to study up on GWS/GWI on the internet before you allow anything into your body to "protect" you. Countless innoculations have NOT been approved by the FDA but are being administered to our men and women. These "protection" medications exacerbate the viruses that you WILL be exposed to. Often it is fatal. DON'T DO IT. Daniel.