It's sleep apnea...I will almost guarantee it. How much does he weigh? Occurs typically in large men however I am a exception. Was diagnosed six years ago with apnea. The sleep disorder clinic monitored me over night for two days and found i stop breathing approx. 200 - 250 times a night. May be for 10 seconds all the way to 40 seconds. To breathe you may thrash, snort, reposition yourself or just plain snore really loud. There are CPAP machines for this (it is a mask conneted to a small square box that gently pushes your airway open.) The only thing is the mask is uncomfortable and takes getting used to. I am sure he is also tired throughout the day and experiences EDS (excessive daytime sleepiness). I do not use the CPAP but take a medication called Provigil for my EDS (narcolepsy) so i can stay awake, drive my car etc. Let me know if you would like any more info. You can email me direct at . Best of luck!