I don't have a lot of experience with scoliosis, however, I have 15 years of experience with chronic pain and chiropractors. They help, but many do not treat the musculature surrrounding spine misalignment. Seek out a chiropractor who has expertise in Kinesiolgy and a really good homeopathic massage therapist. I have found that the combination has given me the best results in combating the whole problem not just the bones being out of place. The body is an incredible thing and it tries to compensate for problems. It sounds like your muscles are trying to work overtime against the malformation of your spine. Also using an alternating therapy of moist heat and cold with help to fatigue the muscles so that a massage that even your husband could give you would help to clear out the lactic acid that builds up from the muscle being under contant stress. I hope this helps you in relieving even some of the pain. Unattended and unrelieved, the pain is enough to drive a normal person crazy. My empathy and best wishes, Lori