Lori Lockwood
The best way to find localized support groups for gulf war syndrome I have found is to check out NGWRC and see if they have a list of support groups within your general area .You can also check out other links to others that try to stay abreast of new discoveries and treatments that have been tried by others .ou an find them by going to ngwrc.org and they have constant updates and will even post new news to your e mail address. This has offered my husband who has this as well as myself because one of the worst things about gulf war syndrome is the lack of a clear cut diagnosis. lack of a clearcut cause and so many denials about whether its all in their heads. Unfortunately the only people that know its not in their heads are those afflicted and those that are close to those that are. Good luck .It is along and scary road and we all need each other. Please contact me if you wish to talk. retrohippie59@aol.com