I just found out my 12-year old daughter has Gilbert Syndrome. Two years ago she had to have her gallbladder removed because she had gall stones. At that time her bilirubin was high, but shortly after the surgery, it decreased. But her surgeon did advise she needed to lower her intake of fatty foods. However, approx. 4 months ago, during a routine visit with her pediatrician, he noticed the whites of her eyes were very yellowish. After giving her 2 blood tests within a 2month period, he noticed the level had increased. He then ordered an ultrasound on her, but found no blockage or abnormalities. So he referred us to a pediatric gastrointerologist. The specialist reviewed all of her history, blood tests and ultrasound and diagnosed her with this disorder. Everything else in her tests were perfect. Although, I asked the Dr. if this could lead to something more serious later on in her life, he assured me I had nothing to worry about. However, after reading your replies, I realize my daughter has been having the same symptoms: abdominal pains (normally after eating), fatigue, tiredness. It sounds like there is a possibility it could worsen as she gets older. At this time, my daughter is very active in school and by the end of the day, usually between 7 & 8 pm, she is so wiped out, she can't even stay awake. I have always thought this was unusual for her. I would like to know if any other parents have any young daughters with the same disorder. Her doctor did point out that my daughter needs to make sure to drink water consistently and eat regulary as this can help keep the bilirubin level lower.