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My wife (32) was diagnosed with hyperthyroid and had been threated with carbimazole & propanolol for 9 months, when reducing the dosage, the thyroid became active again. Then the doc recommend to increase dosage again, 2 months later, she became "hypo". So the doc recommend Radio-ID or block & replace method. At the moment we are using partial block with replace. We tried a full blood test on Full thyroid profile (profile B)on May 18th,2005 and found only TSH is abnormal which is 0.01 (norm value is 0.4-5.5), T4 & T3 are within perfectly at middle normal range value. Found from previous all 4 record that the TSH were all constantly low at 0.01. Means the 'signal' from pituitary gland which controlling the thyroid is giving problem? I hope someone could give me an opinion as I don't wish a mis-diagnose case to repeat. TQ