Hello, Recently, I had a relaspe of PTSD, and current Psych says,there is a cure for this. Past psych said no cure. I went for a very long time, like 12 years before having a return of PtSD symtoms, not all of them but some. OK, I went from being labled as Manic depressant to not being one by current psych. I also talked to a psych in a hospital who said, PtSD people are often labled as having manic depression when there is none. I did not have anything but mild depression and that was after having two small children and Dad died at the same time, along with other high stress incidents. I am somewhat perplexed, one says yes there is a cure, others say no. I do not want to spend a lot of money with a false belief and be let down. Now They say, I am sensory avoidant and sensory sensitive and being taken off medication. I am freaking tired of psych's saying this is safe, this is that, only to find out different. This is worse than getting more than one opinion from surgeons. At least, you feel somewhat assured that the operation will have somewhat of a sure success rate after talking with MD's I know there are many people out there with false claims. Just read that ptsd people have past live problems, and there could be this or that. Anyone here, experience PtSD and could give me some opionion or tell their story of success or how it is going for you. Do you think people are just making money off people who have PTSD. That is major sick but I guess it can happen. I would appreciate this very much Thanks