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Since writing before I've had a new complication with the surgical site. This reminds me that NO surgery is simple or 100% safe. But I'll take these problems over the periodic flare ups of an "angry" gall bladder. Also, don't assume that you have only one problem. That is why it is good to get a 2nd opinion. When I did, I learned that I have an unrelated B-12 deficiency that had been masked by the gall bladder problem. Now I'm getting B-12 shots and they help. I also religiously avoid large meals, sticking with my 5-6 meals a day and so far have had only one loss of bowl control. Life isn't perfect, but it wasn't perfect before and you can't have a major organ removed and expect there to be no consequences, some unpleasant. As you get older, medicine doesn't offer complete cures, only trade offs. For everything you get, you will have to give up something. When the gall bladder went, I gave up eating like everyone else. But I got real pain relief.