Dr. Venugopal Gouri
From the symptoms you have referred to about yourself it is possible that you have an infection of the middle ear and an accumulation of fluid in the area which can also cause for the reduction in the auditory capacity of the left ear and also the dizziness while driving and a sensation of a sort of fluid running through your head. This infection may also lead to the lymph node reacting and gearing up to the task can produce the necessary antibodies but if the infection is overwhelming the lymph node itself could get affected too as seems to have happened in your case. A proper evaluation of your case through investigations needs to be done. Perhaps you should discuss this with your Doctor and also consider homeopathic medicine which has remedies like Baryta carb, Baryta iod, Calc carb, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Silicea to help you get rid of the problem.