Hi Sandra, I'm so sorry that you have pain as a result of the gallbladder surgery also. My pain has let up also but it's still there. My pain was so severe in the past 1 1/2 yrs. that I would just cry everyday. I was put on "ultram" for my chronic pain and now since my pain has lessened I want to try over the counter pain med's also, but now my body won't let me get off of the ultram, when I try to stop taking it, I go thru horrible withdrawals. :-( my doctor when she first prescribed me ultram said that it "wasn't" a narcotic, YEAH RIGHT!! I guess I should of looked it up and read about it on the internet before I started taking it, but at the time I was in sooooo much pain that I just wanted relief. The doctors that I have all seen said that it's really rare to get nerve damage from gallbladder surgery, but I'm living proof. Is that what your doctors think is the cause of your pain??? I am currently taking "Effexor" for my depression and seeing a physcatrist. The surgeron really messed up my life, over supposly some "simple" operation. :-(