Dear Kim, Drs. understate the risks of surgery all the time. Go to your hospital and see the head nurse of the ICU instead. Ask her which surgeons have the fewest post-surg problems, who does the most gall bladder operations or procedures, and what risks SHE sees. My wife is an RN of 35 years, has worked only in the largest hospitals, and now does colonoscopies. When she saw the scan before surgery she told me that the potential to die was very real given how infected the gall bladder had become. She didn't hesitate for a second because she has seen that the risk of gall bladder attacks is simply more life threatening than the risk of surgery. I did have serious complications as well -- I have CML and my 10" wound wouldn't heal for three months. It just reminded me that all surgery has risk but, in your case, it seems that you weren't told. Frankly, that's why God invented nurses.