Kandy--I've only used L-glutamine for a couple weeks so I can't say if it helps. I read on one of these boards that it helped someone with our problem and that's why i'm trying it (I'll try anything but surgery!). I used to do yoga (in a class where I got special attention because of my prob.) but it made me get worse. . .so please be careful. The Bow was one of our positions.Yoga puts a lot of strain on the hips. Because i now am unable to sit, I have great difficulty even being at the computer--I have to stand up and be quick! I can't drive now, or even eat dinner sitting up. To be able to sit in a wheelchair would be wonderful! My friend who is an RN is giving me massage. I'm hoping that will help me. My health ins. is limited and doesn't pay for pain management, PT or chiroprators etc. After reading about this bursitis, I've come to the conclusion that if you don't respond to cortisone or NSAID's you're pretty much on your own. I'm hoping that with more time my body will heal itself. . . it always did before this disaster!!! Right now, it's so painful I can't even drive to the doc and sit in his darn waiting room! Keep in touch and be sure to let me know how you're doing. Chris