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I get mild pain in upper right abdomen area. This sympotms starts after meal but not severe pain. I had blood test, CT scan, ultrasound test and endoscopy done. No gall stones were found. Doctor orderd HIDA scan test and found that my gall bladder is not functioning very well. It should function atleast 40% but my gall bladder is functioning only 8%. I went to see the surgeon and he mentioned that there is no immediate need to remove my gall bladder unless my pain is severe. My pain is not severe. Doctor wants me to take the decision by myself about the surgery. I did some reserch and found that excess bile in gall bladder can create cancer. I am very much confused what to do? Sholud I have surgery or not and after surgery what can happen? What are the risks of having non functional gall bladder? Please answer me. Thanks.