i think the first thing you should do is get another doctor, find out whats really going on.i know we all get comfortable with our doctors and we tend to go along with whatever they say,but youre' sick you have no real clear answer, i had pelvic pain for year's 2002 i had a hysterectomy at age 40 avery large mass i thanked my doctor thought she saved my life, pain came back less then a year later i had the rest of my female organs removed, by a different,doctor i have to deal with hot flash's but that's nothing compared to what i was going through, alway's get a second point of view or a third or so on you know how you feel,never let any tell you it's stress or blow you off. 2large benign mass weight loss pain weakness dizzyness. i was told i had stress so many test done ,simple mri, got result's and alot of doctor changing,may help you get the answer's seek. good luck.