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The first time I had a yellow/greenish discharge was about 3 months ago, but not until recently did I notice that the discharge was becoming more in amount and frequency. I went to see a doctor and was diagnosed with gonorrhea, which surprised both my doctor and me because I am still a virgin, and never once had sexual intercourse with anyone. I have thought over of all the possibilities in which I may have caught the disease and concluded on the fact that I caught it from hanging my wet (washed) underwear on top of a friend's (who is sexually active) moist towel. Is this a possible cause? Please advise. I learned that "untreated gonorrhea" can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which causes infertility. I wonder if having gonorrhea for about 3-4 months means "untreated." Is there a way I can find out how much damage the disease has done to my reproductory organs and whether or not I will be infertile? Thanks in advance for any information given.