My son got Epstein - Barr at age 4 and was very sick, gradually got better over 3 years. He was later diagnosed with scoliosis. I have it too, and was just diagnosed with spina bifida occulta. It was missed for 5 years on 2 MRIs and CAT scan. My phys. med. doc confirmed the SBO on the old CAT scan. Now I have been diagnosed with a tethered spinal cord - at S-3. SBO is VERY common - up to 20 % of the population !!! I am reading ( at the NAtional Library of Medicine) that tethered cord CAUSES scoliosis because the spinal cord can not ascend the canal as it should when a child is growing. The body compensates by twisting the bony part of the spine. So, I think my son may have a tethered cord also. He has migraines, mild depression, stiff neck, some other things. I think viruses ( like the Herpes viruses) get into a nervous system that is already compromised by an underlying dysfunction - quite possibly SBO and tethered cord. This is hard to diagnose. See a neurosurgeon that specializes in spina bifida. Tethered cord symptoms include : bladder/bowel dysfucntion, pelvic floor issues, leg/pelvic pain, foot deformities/problems - all kinds of weird things. Good luck.