It has been a long time since I've entered into this forum. Shar and I e-mailed at one time. I have had PMR since Nov. 1997. Prednisone all the way. I have a great R and follow his directions always. He diagnosed me in one week when my GP treated me for something else for 10 months, in the beginning. I have gotten my Prednisone dosage down to 5mg per day many times over the past 2-3 years. The day my system seems to be depleted, that is the day the terrible pain hits. I recently got it down again(ever so gradually) and for 10 days I have been living and working in ____ll. I say Dr. yesterday. He said he is sure the PMR has returned once again. We are throwing the Pred to it, 60mgs today and tomorrow, 40mgs for 2 days and then 20 for 2 days. I took the 60 at 5:30a this morning and by 10:00 I was able to get out of my chair at work and take right off walking. Shoulder and muscle pain totally gone. That Pred sure likes me, I guess. I feel like a new person. I stopped at a nice Women Only fitness center tonight and joined. I think I will feel better. I hope all of you will soon be ever so much better. Shar I am so sorry to hear re your RA. Take special care of yourself. Donna