I was given a "Tilt Table" test, the definitive test to identify neurocardiogenic vasovagal syncope, and tested positive. NCVV is very complex, with many things that trigger what can appear as a faint -- but it's much more serious than a simple faint. Mostly my epipsodes are triggered by needle sticks (for example, occuring any time a heparin lock in inserted, so I've been fortunate to always be under close medical observation. Atropine and versed, injected immediately, along with lying prone always resolves it. A very comprehensive article I researched and wrote (with a doctor's assistance) appeared in EMS Magazine, and will be reprinted in one of the June issues, at If you read it, you'll have a better understanding of this complex problem. You may want to contact me privately. I'll be happy to share my online research sources. It sounds like your son has other serious complicating issues. Good luck.