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Hi, I was diagnosed with hyperthyriod about 2 Years ago and just now started to treat it. I didn't think I had it at first. I just thought that that was my personality. My thyriod was not swollen at the time. Just before I moved from South Calif. to a small town in North Calif. I decided I better see my endocrenoloigist to follow up. I guess that was the smartest thing I did before I moved considering there is not an endocrenoloigist with in a 5 hour drive from my house. I am seeing a general family doctor only now. I'm trying to learn as much as I can regarding this disease. The side affects from the meds sound very scary. I will start taking Methamozal(Tapazole) again tomarrow. I am also taking a Beta Blocker for my heart rate. This is a worry because I have Ashma. Now that I know the disease a little better I realize I have been suffering from the symtoms for a long time. I have read it is hereditary and it looks like my mom and grandma have hade some simular symtoms. Soo.. at this point I have a few questions if any one can help. I am feeling very depressed about this situation. I understand your thyriod regulates other body functions. Does anyone know if treating my thyriod can calm me down and help my ashma? How about what it has been doing to me this last two years without treatment. How about what kind of supplements should I take to save my body from this havic? Calcium and what else? What about natual remidies? I have heard something about Iodine and Kelp. Also the biggy ... will I gain wieght if I have to have the radiation treatment? Will I eventually become Hypothyriod? Do the thyriod hormons make you feel normal (energy) and keep you at a perportionate wieght? Thanks for any response :}