i had my second surgery on L4/5 and may 15th will be 1 yr, i had alot of scar tissues as well, i now have 4 screws and a rod to fuse my back and i have to tell you u r limited, when it rains it hurts, i cannot go for my runs anymore etc..but now there is a new surgery that yale new haven hospital is the fist to do and it replaces your damage disc with another that it will last for 25 ys or more, i wish they had that for me back then, it came out a few months goes rite in where the injury disc use to be and you will have the same mobilty like before and it helped out alot of people and faster recovery time, check into that and mention about that new surgery at yale, they got to know if not email to one of the neurosurgeon then should be able to help you big time cuz yale is one of the best hosptal and hartford as well, let me know how it goes for you,it would be interesting.