For all it's worth, a positive result means you've had the Epstein Barr virus. I believe it is a flu-like virus and once you've had it, it supposedly remains in the body and can recur when you get run down. I test positive also, though I'm not even sure when I had it. They test pregnant women for it because it can be passed on to the child while in the birth canal. This is probably what happened to my son, who had to stay at the hospital a whole week on antibiotics after he was born. (They administered antibiotics during delivery, but he got sick anyway). If you are concerned, an alternative medicine doctor can give you something like an allergy shot to build up your immunity again Epstein Barr. I took one for awhile; it was custom-made in Dallas. If you don't let yourself get run down, I dont think it should be a problem. Sorry I can't help you more on the lab stats. May God bless you with his peace.