Karen W,
Hi, My son had his tounsiles out at the age of five because it was causing allot of breathing problems at night,(sleep apnea), They took out the whole thing and he was 100% better. It was amazing. For 3 years he had abnormal breathing while he slept, he would even stop brething for like 45 seconds and then graps for air. My other son who is Down syndrom also had his touncils out, he has a heart condition and his tounciles were so big it was actually putting stress on his heart. He would snor at night due to his touncils. I would get a second opionion on this. Frankly what is the purpose of only taking out part of his touncils?? Having both of my sons touncils out was a good move, they are both breathing well at night and we rarely have throat infections. Keep us posted on what your decision is. Karen