Your cervical dysplasia is more than likely due to the HPV virus. After biopsies and a colposcopy- your next step is a LEEP procedure- where a portion of the cervix is actually removed. This procedure is done under a local anesthetic, and performed in the MD's office- no down time, very few side effects afterwards. My suggestion to you would be to first find another doctor, get treatment, and follow up with pap smears every 3 months x 1 year to be sure the dysplasia was completely treated. I am a nurse, and work for a OB/GYN. The problem with HPV, is that it is a virus- one that is uncureable- you will always have it- the LEEP will remove it from your cervix- it may come back after a few years- maybe not. Get your partner treated- he may have the virus, and often the warts, sometimes extremely tiny and unable to detect by the naked eye- can reinfect your cervix. I would not wait much longer on treatment if I were you- dysplasia should not be taken lightly. Good luck.