Gary Malone
Message 1 of 1
I am observing a person alongside other professionals at the moment who is presenting within the diagnostic criretion (DSM)and related symptomatology of Cyclothymic disorder. This person has been presenting with this since young adulthood. The person is also autistic. His OCD remains consistant in a PAS-ADD rating scale which would be anticipated in someone with his level of autism. The person does , however fluctuate in mood and some resultant behavours are unmanageable. These are short lasting and related to periods of high psychosis and hypomania. This is followed by a mood swing which is gradual down to a slow depressive cycle which sees behavioural alterations which are manageable but difficult instigate change. In between there are patterns where the person remains within the autism spectrum where he is provided with the correct level of stimulation and structure. The difficulty is this... a how to treat this person outside of a lithium and pychotherapy regime. b the best approaches to use to monitor his mood. c successfull behavioural management which fits both autism and cyclothymic disorder. anyone with any experience of this form of dual diagnosis please get in touch. regards Gary Malone RMN