Ms Larsen
I have experienced similar symptoms myself. At first I was checked for an ear infection with negative results. I learned to live with my dizziness and fainting spells until last spring. While I was in the emergncy room for what I beleived was from the surgery I just had a day or so ago the doctors told me why I was experiencing my dizziness. In fact it was caused fron an earlier ear infection. On ear infection a long time ago probably in childhood, caused some inflamation to my ear drums causing my brain to preceive that my ear drum was still inflammed. With this sigal to by brain the brain adjusted causing my dizzy spells. I was given a shot which stopped the dizziness instantly. Exactly what the shot did I am not so sure, maybe it redused the swelling in my ear drum or what I am not so sure. Since I have had the shot no more problems with dizziness, rooms spinning around or fainting. I can move around in a chair without getting light headed. I am sure footed again because my world is no longer is still as it should be.