June McDonald
I was recently told to quit taking estrogen since my neurologist upon viewing my last MRI of my brain for the mengenginoma found that I had had several TIA's, mini strokes. I am having hot flashes, headaches and generally feeling tired & teary. Is there anything that I can do for these misserable feelings? I take vitamin E400 mg at night. Plus Niacin & Vitamin C 1000. I also have Periphial Neuroprothy in both feet & carpal tunnel in both wrist but the left is very bad. I cannot rest or sleep well at night & have headaches & pain in my left eye almost all the time. I am told it is from the meingenoma which is pressing on my optic nerve & is located in my sinuses & upoperable. I declined to take radiation due to all the side effect. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank You, June McDonald.