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I had Gall Bladder surgery July 15th 2002 and here it is a month later and I've been to the E.R. once and in the hospital twice. The doctors assured me it wasn't due to the surgery. I've had pain so bad I thought it was a heart attack and I was admitted to the hospital where they dagnosed me with HPLorie and a slightly twisted bowel. I've had every test an ERCP, EKG, Upper G.I. , Catscan...etc. I'm due to go in for a colonoscopy next week....I'm frustrated and have asked the doctors if the pain can be from the titanium clamps that were left in...since I'm very allergic to metals. They say's impossible! Can anyone help? Has anyone experienced any of these symptoms...chest pains, shortness of breath,severe pain in right abdomen, pain in right shoulder, nausea, and low grade fevers, sweats, and diarrhea? Please help if you can...I beg of anyone who has information and can please e-mail me.