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My 47 y/o mother in law suffers from Cerebral Vascular Disease, as well as Aphasia. I know that CVD can be caused due to a stroke or even a blow to the head, causing the blood vessels in the brain to not work properly. She acts like a child, as well as thinks like a child. She has a hard time controling her actions and speech. I also think she has mini strokes and does not even realize it! Aphasia, which can accompany CVD is having difficulties in speaking, writing reading or understanding the written langauge. She has a hard time remembering simple words like "couch" or curtain. She becomes upset when people can not understand her when she can't express herself. I'm trying to find out as much info as I can so that my husband and I can try to "explaine" to her what the problem is. She needs medical help now, but she has the mind and the mantality of a child. I'm afraid for her like as I don't know what would happen if she were to have a stroke while driving her car! Can anyone shed some light on these subjects, as well as how to handle it? Thanks!