Catherine, I know how you feel. i had to change my whole life. Now work p/t, have three children and many animals. f/t was too much for me. was in bed most of my free time. i take a small dosage of elavil @ bedtime. first I take a hot bath because a lot of the pain is in my legs. it wakes me up in the a.m. and keeps me from falling asleep p.m. the elavil helps give me quality sleep once i fall asleep. i also walk a lot. it hurts at first but keep doing it. it is a horrible condition to live with. find joy in your life and focus on that. Chronic pain can be very depressing at times. I finally found some balance in my life but the key for me was to cut back from 40+ hrs to 20-25 a week. Good luck. Vivian. There are support groups available too.