I had colitis like your kind. and since its diarria please dont eat any fruits, juices, vegetables except Baked or boiled potatos and carrots, or salads. Beans any kind is no no. I dieted 2 years till I tried a tomato wedge and I was fine then on but still watch what i eat. Spicy or restaurant food with their addditives and other things i try to avoid. For 2 years I ate (nothing fryed) Chicken , Red meat and Fish if you arent allergic to them.Take especially vitamins everyday. Cause your intestants doesnt take evrything. Rice (white) andspagetti ,Macoroni. And potatoes and carrots. Lots of chicken soup too. Your intestants right now inflamed and if bleeding it has sores or ulcers. So you have to give it a rest by not eating fiber foods. It takes time to get results but be patient and stick to this bland diet and never give up. I used to go to bathroom sometimes 15 times a night. Its terrible I thought I am going to die. Evrything made dierria. Also for sleeping and for your piece of mind ask your doctor to give you a low doze of antideppresant like Desirell before you go to sleep. Being scared makes you worst. So this will help you. Or librax is good too. Also see if they have a support group in your hospital or chuch. Join it will be Godsend. Good luck and Bless (no dairy foods bread and butter is OK)