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My husband had a stroke on March 1, 2002. Ever since then, he has had promlems with bladder retention. A month later, he suffered a sever bladder infection. He had to be hospilized so they could give him strong antibiotics. While in the hospital, they put a folio catheter into his bladder. He still has this catheter in today. Two attempts to remove the folio, resulted in his inablility to urinate on his own. So the folio had to be put back in. The doctor said there was a blockage due to the prostate. He's been under a urolosist's care & on medication for an enlarged prostate for 2 years. (Proscar & cadura) He was managing very well until he had the stroke. After the stroke, the doctor had to stop the cadura. This was helping him to urinate. I was wondering what his options are now? Surgery on the prostate is out of the question, due to my husband's present health. He is a poor surgical risk. Would appreciate any information regarding this.