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I have been sick and have gained a lot of weight over the last couple of years. I just thought my stress landed in my stomach. When I began throwing up for no reason and having horrible stomach pains, my husband threatened to call the doctor himself if I didn't. To make a long story short, I had my gall bladder removed which removed a lot of the GERD symptoms and it definately needed to come out. I continued to have other stomach pains. I went through every test possible, was on nexium, aciphex etc etc. I was operated on a week ago to repair my hiatel hernia. It is a very difficult operation. It took over four hours due to the severety of my hernia. I wonder if anyone else has gone through this. I feel all my stomach problems have now been repaired and look forward to finding out what it is like to feel good and hopefully drop the weight I gained trying to feed all the acid in my system. I am curious as to other peoples recovery from this surgery and their results.