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If anyone has a body temp. of under normal (98.6) on a regular basis, chances are you have "Wilson's Syndrome". I have been on synthroid for 35 years. All blood tests looked right, but I never felt good. Turns out there was a good reason. I had body temps that were in the 96.5 degree range....two degrees too low! A friend told me about Wilson's syndrome and I investigated it. I have since done the treatment and now, my body temp. is a steady 98.6. If this sounds like YOU, please check out this website. It could change your life!! Seriously! http://wilsonssyndrome.com. All the symptoms of low body temp. can be cured. Thinning hair, no energy, dry skin, tendency to gain weight,.......the list goes on and on. Posting this so someone else will know about this. Drs. do not all know about this yet. I bought the book and tape and gave it to my doctor and he realized he had found the "missing link" regarding the thyroid. Best of luck to all!