I am so glad not to feel alone in this. At 29 yrs old I feel like a hypochondriac when I try to avoid heavy lifting or strain . I have had this for 10 years - most of that time undiagnosed. The flare ups vary but I have only had 2 seriously painful ones where I was on the sofa - and not even able to move when I was there! Other flare ups vary from once a year to 8 times a year. There is not much to do about it in my opinion except take whatever painkillers you can get your hands on!!!! Celebrex 200mg 2xday helps when it is bad and if you can get a muscle relaxant for night time to help you sleep it really helps. Not sleeping makes you stressed and as we all know - that could be one of our mystery causes.... Does anyone know what the really long term prognosis is? Does it ever weaken our chest area to a dangerous point? Is there any progression to be aware of at all or is it just the same pain, year in and year out...oh the humanity!!!!!