Has this person been in Kern County, California (Central Calif.)? Are the welts very tender? If so, it may be what is common in CA and several other states. Valley Fever will consist of raised, hot, red, tender rash-like welts mostly fingers-to arms and feet-legs. Diflucan could clear it up, FAST!!! Medical name is Coccidioidomycosis (Cocci for short). Go to to find out about it. The welts are an outward sign that something is wrong-usually when someone has valley fever and experiences the welts it indicates a progressed case of it. I know I was diagnosed in 1995 and suffered extreme fatigue, pnuemonia (caused by inhaling the spore into lungs), and welts. Some have it but only experience a minor case of Pnuemonia, that is why most do not know they have had Cocci.