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Morning sickness


Message 1 of 1

I'm sorry you are gong through such a hard time. I had very serious morning sickness with both of my pregnancies. There is regular morning sickness and a more serious one that is called hypermesis gravatis (sp?) which is what I was told. I actually lost 30 lbs. in the first 5 months, but put it back on plus some by the end. Believe it or not, I actually got used to vomiting! I just kept working and doing whatever and always carried my little supplies with me, plastic bags (in case I was in the car etc. and a wash cloth and a bottle of water. I found that if I ate what I was craving for, no matter how wierd it sounded, I usually would not vomit, although I always felt sick. Everyone told me to eat crackers, but they didn't work for me. I found pretzels, and toasted bagels w/ cream cheese and red Hawiian Punch worked the best. It seemed I was hungary all the time, and thinking of what food I could keep down. If I ate what I craved or imagined, it seemed to work (most of the time). If it doesn't stop soon, let your doctor know. There are drugs to help, but of course no one wants to take anything while pregnant. I did need to take something with my 2nd pregnancy because it was a lot worse, and the doctor said if I didn't stop loosing weight, that would also be very bad for the baby. The drug helped, but kept me in a stupor most of the time. I just used it a little while. Are you under a lot of stress? I also found that my 2nd time, I already had a 2 1/2 year old and much more responsibility. I was very stressed. I think that makes things worse. I ended up taking a leave of absence and spent a month at my moms. She watched my daughter and mothered me. It seemed to help a great deal. I was also told that this condition is caused by an overload of a certain harmone that keeps the placenta attached to the uterine wall. So the up side of this whole thing is you have a much lower chance of ever having a miscarriage. Maybe if you try to think about this fact everytime you get sick,, and also try to reduce any stresses, things will quied down very soon. If it helps, even though I suffered through my pregnancies, my deliveries were a piece of cake! 5 hours 1st, and 3 hrs 2nd! Maybe God will reward you at the end with a quick and easy delivery since you have been sick in the beginning! God bless you and your new baby!


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