Lesley Pomfret
I have been ill with the above for several months and suffer from horrendous headaches. The worst is the one I get in my left eye - it feels like the eye is exploding. I am registered with Hospice here in Florida. I get help from a nursing aide from Hospice and she gives me 'Noni' juice which I was told to take by someone else some time ago. It tastes okay and it will take time to see if it is helping with my cancer. My query is - has anyone else used this juice and, if so, was it helpful? I had 3 months radiation therapy but have not yet had chemotherapy. I retired last month and am at a crossroad in my life - what to do with the rest of it?? I have been told that the average lifespan for this cancer is 6-8 months after diagnosis....which was September, 2001, for me. I have some future plans which I am not going to find easy to give up. If there is someone reading this who has my diagnosis and who can give me a positive message for the future - I need to hear from you. Best wishes, Lesley